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Leavetrack Update - Locations and Leave Policies
Posted by Robin on 03 May, 2021 in Leavetrack Update
The latest update to Leavetrack brings improvements to make managing leave that bit easier. If you'd prefer to watch, rather than read, you can view the latest update video.
We released a beta update for location management a couple of weeks ago. Until that change, the location where your employee worked was just a piece of text that was used for public holidays to be matched to employees.
The new update allows you to add much more information to your locations, including default working days and applicable leave policies (see more below).
The defaults you set on locations will then be applied to all new employees that you add to that location meaning you can add new employees more quickly.
You can read more in our support article on employee locations.
The new update allows you to add much more information to your locations, including default working days and applicable leave policies (see more below).
The defaults you set on locations will then be applied to all new employees that you add to that location meaning you can add new employees more quickly.
You can read more in our support article on employee locations.
Leave Policies
Leave policies are a set of business rules applying to leave entitlements for employees at one or more locations.
In the leave policy, you set the annual entitlement, carry forward allowance and whether or not the leave requests need to be approved.
When you add new employees to a particular location, the leave policy applicable to that location is applied to them. In addition, the policy is applied when a new leave year starts with the employee carry over allowance being applied.
Our support article on leave policies has more information.
In the leave policy, you set the annual entitlement, carry forward allowance and whether or not the leave requests need to be approved.
When you add new employees to a particular location, the leave policy applicable to that location is applied to them. In addition, the policy is applied when a new leave year starts with the employee carry over allowance being applied.
Our support article on leave policies has more information.
Employee Management
Finally, we've made some cosmetic changes to the look and feel of the employee pages. We've given them their own link in the main menu and adding new employees is a bit quicker now.